Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Election Week!

This week brings our annual SCA election process. If you happen to stop by the school this week, I’m sure you’ll notice campaign posters, buttons and stickers around the school for all of the candidates that are running for office. This is always one of my favorite times of year—seeing so many of our kids want to take a leadership role among their peers, watching how seriously they take their campaigning, hearing their speeches and the visions that they have for the school. One of the aspects I enjoy most about these elections is that they stay so positive. It’s kids trying to sell themselves and what they can bring to school, with absolutely no mention of the terrible things that the other candidates have done or will do if they are in office. These kids have lots of great ideas about how we can make our school better—and it’s much deeper than no homework and longer lunches. The kids in the SCA really want to have a better school—they’ve brought us the pep rally, a new mascot to lift our school spirit, the annual canned food drive to help those in need, and our annual talent show, just to name a few. Each year we encourage our staff to let kids know just how important student government is to us at Henley. The seed we plant for service to school and community will continue to grow when we get them started at an early age. It’s going to be a fun week, and I can’t wait to see who our new leaders will be.

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