Friday, September 14, 2012

Back-to-School Night

It was great to see so many of you out at our annual Back-to-School Night last night.  This is always one of my favorite events of the year--a night when our parents take on the role of student and spend an evening as a middle schooler.  You got to see what class changes were like, how your kids navigate the hallways and make it to their classes on time, and had a chance to hear about all of the great things their teachers have in store for them this year.

Thanks, also, to those of you who were able to come to our State of the School presentation immediately preceeding Back-to-School Night.  In case you missed it, here are a few highlights:
  • 90 faculty and staff members are at Henley each day to help you child have an incredible experience here as a student.
  • We've got five staff members who are new to Henley this year--Lauretta Dezubay, Amy Effland, Natalie King, Erin James and Karen Spencer.
  • Our kids rocked the SOL tests last year. has Henley ranked as the number 2 public middle school in the state in terms of student achievement.  Next year we're shooting for number 1!
  • Our academic focus this year will be on developing proficiency in lifelong learner standards.  We are also working toward creating innovative learning spaces that will maximize our students' potential.
  • Our renewable resource center is fully operational this year and our outdoor classroom/greehouse/garden project is coming along nicely.
  • Our SCA president provided insight about how to get involved as a Henley student.
  • Our PATSO co-presidents discussed ways that you can get involved with the school.
One of my goals for last night's activities was for each and every one of you to realize that Henley is a truly outstanding school.  We take our jobs and our mission very seriously and strive for every student to have a rich, engaging experience in our school each day.  Hearing so many good things from parents about the positive start their children have had to the school year made my night.  Thanks, again, for coming out and for all of the support you give to help us make Henley such a special place.

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