Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Welcome to Marking Period Two!

Hello, Hornets, welcome to November and the start of the second marking period!  IT’s been a great start to the school year at HMS and our teachers and our students have been quite busy.  We’ve been hosting school dances, putting on band, chorus and orchestra concerts, taking field trips to enhance some of our project-based learning activities, meeting with parents at conference nights, raising money for the PATSO through our magazine drive, and electing our student council officers.  While that list was long, it’s just the tip of the iceberg of what Henley has to offer.  There is something for everyone here, and I hope that all of your kids are getting involved in some way.

Many of you may know that we had some renovations done to the school this summer and have created two large spaces know as our “spark spaces.”  These spaces are designed to enhance our teachers work to build students’ skills in creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration—the “4C’s” of 21st century learning.  So far they have been a great success and the kids have been raving about the unique furniture, the technology available, and the focus on creating that takes place each time they use the spaces.  I believe that just about every one of our students has had a chance to work in the spark spaces and encourage you all to have a conversation about the type of learning that was taking place and what they thought about it.

We’re excited to be moving into the second marking period, and things don’t look like they will be slowing down for us anytime soon.  Before we hit the end of the semester we’ll have our winter semi-formal dance, our fall drama production, holiday concerts, our canned food drive, and lots of opportunities to learn, learn, learn.  We’ll be staying busy and having fun and continuing to be the best middle school we can be.

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