Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Parent Conferences

On October 7 and October 13 Henley will hold our fall parent conference nights from 4:30 until 8:00 each evening.  October 7 has been designated for families with last names beginning with letters A-L and October 13 for families with last names beginning with letters M-Z.  We want to provide some information on what you should expect when attending parent conferences.  First, because of the number of students/parents that we typically have on these nights, we have to limit conference to a five to seven minute recap of your child’s progress to date.  There are no sign up times to meet with individual teachers, and conferences are held on a first come/first served basis.  We know that many parents desire a longer, more detailed conversation with teachers.  If this is the case, please call our school counseling office to set up a time to meet.  Also, we would like to make sure everyone is aware of the dinner break that we provide to our teachers on these nights.  Each teacher is given thirty minutes of time away from conferences to have a dinner that is provided by our PATSO hospitality committee.  From 5:30-6:00 on October 7, our social studies, science, exploratory and PE teachers will eat and will not be available for conferences.  All other teachers will take their dinner break from 6:00-6:30.  On October 13 the order for dinner will be flipped, with social studies, science, exploratory and PE teacher eating from 6:00-6:30 and all other teacher from 5:30-6:00.  We ask that you please plan your visit accordingly. 

After some suggestions in years past for changes to the way we structure our parent conferences, we brought the issue to our faculty and PATSO.  We all agreed that there was no perfect way to manage conferences in a school this size and that we should continue to use our current set up.  We are always looking for ways to improve and provide better service to our community members, so if you have some ideas you would like to offer about conferences, please contact the school.  We look forward to seeing you at one of our conference nights!

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