Monday, August 26, 2013

Reflections on the First Day of School

Last Wednesday sure was a whirlwind of a day.  We began with a cafeteria packed full of early arriving students who were incredibly eager to get back to school and reconnect with all of their friends and teachers.  It was tough to hold them back until the 9:00 bell rang, and when it did it was invigorating to feel their energy fill the hallways.  Soon the sixth grade students were out in the hallway trying out their lockers for the first time—some with more success than others—and then our real work began with our first period of the day.  I tried to get to as many classes as I could on Wednesday, and I loved how often I saw teachers who were not going over rules and regulations, but were engaging their students in opportunities to connect with each other, think critically and problem solve, and, most importantly, to get excited about the school year.  When I talked with kids during lunches (which were packed full, to say the least) they all had stories to tell about the classes they were already excited about.  Each one loved something different, and I didn’t walk away from one conversation where I didn’t feel like we had gotten off to a strong start with that particular student.  The day turned extra-long when the busses weren’t able to arrive until 4:15 and we had a lot of worn-out kids who were ready to get out of here.  It was great to see how many of our staff members showed up at the bus loop to help kids find there way despite no one asking them to come on down.  By 4:30 the busses were rolling and day one was in the books.

The first day of school is always special.  Each of my first days at Henley have reinforced for me time and again what a talented, dedicated staff we have.  They work hard and get kids excited about learning.  They bring something fresh to them each year.  They let them know that they care about them as people.  They have all laid the groundwork for a wonderful year.  Last week I encouraged our staff to “start strong” and all of them rose to that challenge.  I can’t wait to see what this year will bring.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Welcome back! Let's get this school year started!

Hello, Hornets!  It is my distinct pleasure to welcome all of you to the 2013-2014 school year at J. T. Henley Middle School.  My excitement is building each day as we get closer to the start of the year.  I love meeting our new sixth grade class, watching our seventh graders make the transition away from being the “new kids on the block,” and seeing our eighth grade students move into positions as our leaders within the building.   I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, a school just does not feel right in the summertime when the halls are empty and the roar of students changing classes is gone.  It will be great to have that back in a few weeks. 

Lots of great things have been taking place at Henley since we left for summer break back in June.  We’ve had a significant renovation project going on that has transformed some of our classrooms into two large, innovative learning spaces.  The spaces have been designed to help our students complete work focused around the four C’s of twenty-first century education—communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity.  I am more convinced than ever that developing a curriculum that is designed to build these competencies in our students is crucially important to our success as a school.  One of my goals for this year is to have the four C’s become the driving force behind all of the work we do at Henley. 

In addition to our renovation project we have also applied a fresh coat of paint to the cafeteria, replaced the remaining original lockers, and have welcomed a new assistant principal to our building.  Ashby Johnson has joined our administrative team this summer and is looking forward to getting to know the Henley community.  We also have several new faces on our instructional staff: Kris Kishore in civics, Emily bands in electives, Lisa Boyce in Family/Consumer Science, Theresa Harriott in math 8 and science 6 and Audrey Hoover in intervention.  I know that they will all be great additions to our team.

Summer is just about wrapped up, and I hope that it has been a great one for you and for your family.  I can’t wait for that first bell to ring on the 21st to get it all started!

Go Hornets!